Going All In and No Longer Playing it Safe
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Going All In and No Longer Playing it Safe

Welcome back to The Sarah Hall Show. Girl, today we are going to talk about likely the fact that you have not decided to go all in. Like, you literally have no other option in your business. Or maybe you haven’t even started a business yet because you haven’t decided that you’re going all in and you’re tired of playing it safe, and you’re no longer going to play it safe.

And if that’s you, this episode is definitely going to be for you. We’re going to run through this, and I’m going to talk to you about getting out of the safe zone because nothing ever happens good there. So, let’s get into the episode.

By the way, if you are brand new here on The Sarah Hall Show, I’m Sarah, and I went from being a literal, broke, clinical dietitian, living in a windowless office, working from a windowless office, feeling no motivation in my life, and feeling stuck, to be honest, to becoming a coach, an online coach.

And I was able to hit 30K months while working a full-time job in the nutrition space. And I’ve made over $4 million in the last three years and helped thousands of entrepreneurs. It doesn’t matter if you’re a coach looking to go to 10K months or 100K months, I can help you, and the podcast will help you.

So maybe you’re a therapist, life coach, nutrition coach, dietitian, maybe even a mindset or a business coach, this is your all-access pass to learn how to build a six or seven figure business. And make sure that you follow and subscribe here to the podcast, okay?

So, let’s get into this whole discussion. I had a conversation with a client the other day, and it just occurred to me. I’m like, “I don’t think she went all in.” So I asked her…. I’m sitting here sipping my cold brew. If you hear it, just go with the flow, because we’re having a little chitchat girl talk, right? That’s what we do on The Sarah Hall Show.

I asked her, like, “Girl, have you went all in?” And she was like, “Well, I think I have.” And I said, “okay, if you think you have, you probably haven’t, because if you think you have, like, sounds a little iffy to me.” Have you went all in? Okay, so there’s two sides of this. Number one is the side of someone that’s already started a business making a little bit of money.

Maybe you’re hitting 2k months, maybe hitting 5k months. But I think every person at no matter what level of business, they’re playing it a little safe, usually, because the next level is scary. And what it’s going to take to get the next level is scary. I see it around 2 to 5k months, I see it around 5 to 10k months, I see it again around 10 to 20k months. The next level is always going to be scary.

Did I ever think I would see $2 million a year? God, no! I am literally a small-town girl from a one stop light town. I lived for a tax refund to pay for a vacation once a year. Seriously. But what happened was I made a decision that I was going to go all in.

And here’s a story: I figured out I was playing it safe when I was kind of dabbling in the line of like, “Oh, I’m doing a business…” But it was kind of like a hobby, is what it was. And I had this realization that because I had a good job, I was telling myself, “Well, I got a good job,” you know?

For a dietitian, it was the epitome of what a good job was because it was a pretty good salary, had federal benefits, federal retirements. I did work every six weekend, but the job was not that stressful. I loved my patients. The environment was good, but I was sitting there thinking one day when I was 5k months, and I really had the realization that I was falling back on my paycheck as my crutch, “Oh, well, I don’t need to go do this today in my business because I’m going to get paid Friday, so whatever.”

Think about it. I was making about $3,500 take home after insurance and taxes, and I was making about 5K a month in my business. I mean, that’s $8,500. That’s six figures. But I was playing it small, and I was playing it safe, because I would just say, “Oh, I don’t need to do that, because I can just fall back on my paycheck.”

But really, what was going on, I’ll be honest with you, is I didn’t think I could do more. I didn’t think I could do more. And I started reading books. I started getting in circles of people that were doing more and I got asked, like, “Are you just playing it safe? Do you know what you could do here?” People would always tell me, “Oh, my God, with your personality, you can do this, this, and this.” And I’m like, “Nah, I can’t do that.”

So, believe it or not, I’m more like you than you probably even think. So, I want you to sit here and reflect as you’re going through the podcast. like, have you went all in? But have you went all in like there’s no other option?

Because, see, at that point in my business, I was falling back on an option, knowing that my goal was really to be with my kids full time and be with my husband. Now, I would have never imagined, like, it was hard for me to imagine something I couldn’t see.

I couldn’t see not having student loan payments because I had never not had student loan payments. I couldn’t see having three homes because we were living paycheck to paycheck in one home. I couldn’t see retiring both my parents and my husband because—well, mostly because, like, I wasn’t making enough money to do that.

So, it’s hard to visualize something you haven’t seen, but it is also hard to get there if you don’t work your business. Like, there’s no other option. So, if you are in a business making some money, I would go out on a limb to say, I guarantee you, if you really sit and reflect after this, you have not went all in yet, and you are playing it safe. And that’s why you have not had the culmination that you want to have in your business, as far as money.

Now, I’m going to couple that with strategy. Some of you are not doing the right things in your business. Some of you have hired business coaches, and their specialty is not making a lot of money. Their specialty is teaching you a framework, or their special is teaching you Instagram.

Well, those things don’t make money. So, you can go all in on your business, but if you go all in with the wrong strategy, it doesn’t mean you’re going to accelerate. Speaking of that, if you are looking to accelerate and you do want strategy, our doors for EBM are open.

We signed about 19 new clients last month, 15 the month before. We always max out on spots. Go ahead and get your application in to be interviewed for a spot. And I want to work with you if you’re an action taker, if you want to make 10K up to 100K months.

I want to work with you if you’re ready to change your life. I want to work with you if you’re ready to stop playing it safe. If that’s you, fill out my application. It’s down below the podcast.

But the second side of this is you’re probably listening to this podcast, you have an interest in business, and you’re not doing anything about it. Meaning you’re scared, you’re fearful. You think the market is saturated. You think you can’t stand out in the sea of competitors. You don’t know anybody would buy from you.

You don’t know how you could stand out online. You don’t know how you can make money online. That’s just a bunch of negative stuff, right? We talked in the last episode about your energy, so hopefully, you learned first episode in April to check your energy at the door. I’m real quick to check my clients energy, and they love that about me, and I do it with love and gentleness and kindness. But check your energy at the door.

So, the second side of this podcast is like, you haven’t went all in like there’s no other option because you haven’t even made a decision yet. And you’re setting back in fear. And here’s what I will say: What are you more scared of?

I’ve shared this here on the podcast before, and I’ll keep sharing it. I was more scared of being broke. I was more scared of taking one vacation a year. I was more scared of my kids having student loans. I was more scared of being stuck in my life. I was more scared of waking up one day and realizing I’d gotten old, and I didn’t accomplish greatness.

I’ve had a little bit of an emotional week, so I could almost tear up over that because sometimes I wish that you guys could see the Sarah from eight years ago. It’s so interesting to look at my entrepreneurship journey backwards and also to be 41 now and look at the last ten years of my life and think, wow, what if I never started a business?

Man, what if I never started a…It just hit me. What if I never started a business? It’s not even about physical possessions, it’s about the fact that I can go pick up my daughter every day from school. I can be there with her every morning.

I packed both my kids lunches this morning. I get to spend time with them on spring break, when years ago, I had to rotate that spring break with other dietitians. Can’t you see it’s bigger for me and for you? It’s bigger than just making money.

So, there’s the option here that you’re listening to this podcast and you have a business and you haven’t went all in in it, and you’re playing it safe. And there’s the option here where you haven’t even started a business because you’re afraid and playing it safe.

And you have to decide, what are you more scared of? Getting to the next level version of your life, getting the time, freedom that you want, being with your kids full time, becoming debt free, actually knowing what it’s like to have no bills.

Because when you’re debt free and when you have time, you’re like, rich. I had a mentor tell me once that you’re wealthy when you’re debt free. But you know what he said? “And I don’t mean just in your bank account.”

And I pondered and pondered and pondered on that. And he passed away this last year. He was a coach, and he was in the country or the—not country. Jesus. Been a long week—the state over from us, and we met him through some friends in the wellness space.

And I just found it so interesting; he got to go for three months and go stay with family members that needed him. One had gotten like, a cancer diagnosed or something like that. And that’s when he said, “When you’re debt free, you’re wealthy, and I don’t mean just in the bank.”

And, man, now I can look back on that and think, dang, he was right, because I feel so rich, but not just with money. I feel rich with experience. I feel rich with time. I feel rich with being able to be with my children so much. I feel rich with my relationships. I feel rich with my partnerships. I want you to feel that way.

So hopefully, this episode impacted you in April. We’re all about the feels this month. Next podcast, I am going to share with you at the end of this one, what that one’s going to be about. It’s less about feels and more about logic and strategy. But I like getting in the feels a little bit.

I used to avoid the feels, but not today, because we need to get in the feels to realize we’re playing it too dang safe, girl. And this is your sign to stop playing it safe. Leave a five-star rating and review. It really helps the podcast wherever you’re listening, I appreciate it, and we’ll see you in the next episode.

All right, girl, so now after this episode, you’ve made the decision, right? You’re either going to start that business, and you’re going to be done playing it safe, and you’re going to apply for EBM level one, so you can do that. Or you’re going to go all in on your business, and you’re going to stop playing it safe with your revenue goals, your targets, and you’re going to apply for EBM level two and above because you are tired of playing it safe, right?

In the next episode, I’m going to be breaking down the that “expensive, steep, can’t afford it” objection. You ever hear that, it’s too expensive, too steep, can’t afford it? We’re going to talk about it in the next episode. See you then!


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