There are so many better ways to scale your business
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There are so many better ways to scale your business

All right, girlfriend, here we go into The Sarah Hall show. Today is going to be pretty spicy. I told you that at the end of the last episode. And I’m not calling people out when I talk about this, but I have seen so much watered-down coaching in the industry and I am just sick of it.

So today I’m going to teach you how there are so many better ways to scale your coaching business than to water down your service and decrease the quality of care you give your clients. I’ve seen it often, and today I’m going to teach you how to avoid that, so let’s get into it.

By the way, if this is your first episode of The Sarah Hall Show, welcome! This is my talk show. Okay, we get real on this podcast. And wherever you’re listening, I’m so excited that you are here.

If you are new to me, just a few short years ago, I was a broke clinical dietitian, working in a windowless office, barely making $65,000 a year. And I was building my life around the box of that salary.

And you know what I did? The only difference between me and you is I drew a line in the sand and I said, I’m not going to live that way anymore. In the last three years, I made over $4 million. I was able to, as a nutrition coach, before I became a mentor.

So many times people say, “Well, yeah, you’re a business coach, you can make that much money.” I was making $30,000 a month working a full-time job. I was making that kind of money on the side while being a mother as well with two children.

And it’s the same stuff I talked to you about on this podcast. It’s the same stuff I teach my clients in EBM. I took that and decided I want to be a higher-level leader. I wanted to teach freedom: money freedom, time freedom, mindset freedom.

And that’s what I get to do. That’s what I love of. And so if you’re here and you’re looking to go to your first 10k month or you want to go sky’s the limit, 100K months and beyond, this is for you. This podcast is for you. My program is for you. So let’s get into today’s episode.

So, I’m just going to be real. What I have found is so many coaches, especially in the business coaching space, they water down their service by having students teach their clients. They water down their service by removing the one-on-one aspect. They reduce their time, “Oh, you get five minutes with me per week.”

What the actual heck is that? I have no idea why you would pay for a coach that would do that. But here’s the real honest truth. They don’t tell you before you get in their program that that’s what they’re going to do to you. They don’t tell you that students teach. They don’t tell you that you only get five minutes with them.

But here’s what I want to say. It’s not about them. It’s about you. Do you want to run your business like that? I’m pausing because I’m making you think. No. Heck no, you don’t want students teaching your program. You don’t want to remove the one-on-one aspect. You don’t want to reduce your time down to five minutes a client.

You don’t want to outsource your sales calls. You don’t want to outsource your selling. You don’t want to put someone else in the game to explain how you can change their life. What sense does that make?

People are doing it. I have heard horror stories in my DMs about, “Oh, yeah, she sold to me on the phone, and then I never talked to her again. I paid her $10,000. Never talked to her again.” Or, “Oh, yeah, I get on these zooms, and it’s taught by a student that’s not even been in business longer than me.”

So, if your coach is doing that or if a coach is doing that and you don’t want to do that for your coaching, why are you hiring them? Why are you even considering hiring them?

Now, here’s the thing about me. I’m abundant. We sign 15 to 20 clients a month. Clients come to me because they love my program. I’m telling you this out of the kindness of my heart, whether you ever come in my program or not, I need to create awareness in two things.

Number one, there are business coaches that are watering down their coaching, and you guys are falling for it. Number two, they’re going to teach you how to do this too, and it’s not even how you want to run your business.

When you hire a coach, you need to think: how do I want to run my business? Is that person somebody I would want to model my business after? Because, you see, I can get on Zoom, and I can know that my client Kelly’s husband Ryan just wrote a workout program for her program, and her business is called Ace Nutrition because her dog’s name is Ace.

And I can tell you that my client Cynthia has a young daughter that’s two years old and she used to be on Broadway and her husband’s a lawyer, and she’s killing it in her business. And I can tell you that my client Jackie is married to Todd, and they have a child named Olivia.

I got cold chills thinking about that, because I am sitting here just telling you what I know about my clients, and I have never seen another business coach do that. They don’t even know half their clients’ names, much less their life.

And I am calling it out because it’s ridiculous. And I never wanted to run my business like that as a nutrition coach. Dang sure didn’t want to run my business like that as a business coach. And I know you don’t want to run your business like that. So I’m just going to tell you exactly how I teach my clients to avoid watering down their service.

Because here’s the thing. You water down your service, clients have nothing good to say about you. You don’t have testimonials. You don’t grow. You’re not even happy providing the service. So, it’s all going to hinder you long term and honestly ends in a bad reputation.

And that’s the thing. In some of the business coaching space out there, there’s bad reps that come along with letting students teach and putting other people on your sales calls and acting like you’re too good. Let’s be real. I mean, that’s what it is.

And let me be honest, if you want to run your business like this, girl, go for it. You should probably just get off this episode now. But I know deep down, every single person that’s in my network, that is on my Instagram, that watches and listens to my podcast, cares. They care about the impact. And because of that, you guys don’t want to run your business like this. This is what I teach my clients.

So, let’s break down. I got 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, eight things. Number one, tools. If you’ve got to repeat yourself more than three times, put it in a tool. Resources that can be a resource library with videos, that can be a workbook, that can be…Tools and resources kind of go together.

A tool could be something like a checklist or something that they use if you’re a nutrition coach at the grocery store or pairing meals or something like that. If you’re in the mindset space, it could be a journal prompt. It could be something that helps them shift their thinking from scarcity to abundance. If you’re in the business space, like, I have tons of tools, like revenue worksheets, content calendars, tools that help run the business, right?

So it doesn’t matter what niche you’re in. Resources, like I said, could be like Google Drive libraries, video libraries, workbooks Kajabi, Thinkific, like, something that if you’re having to repeat yourself or your clients need step by steps, those can be tools and resources.

Chat Support – game changer. I don’t need to say much else about it. If you don’t have a business model that’s set up with some of these things, get off this pod... Actually, just end this podcast right now and go down and apply for my coaching, because you’re missing out by not having this set up. You’re missing out. Okay?

Chat Support – game changer. Who wants to wait for 30 days to talk to their coach? Who wants to wait for two weeks to get a problem fixed? No one. It’s a disservice to your client to make them wait.

Frequently Asked Questions – huge. You don’t have to let your students answer FAQs. Why don’t you just make some? It’s not that hard to put these things in. Please do not water down your service.

Client Support Help, meaning people behind the scenes that can organize you, organize your day, organize things for your clients. There are tons of people that love that stuff. Shout out to my client support person, Danielle. She keeps me on my toes. She tells me who needs me every single day. She makes me list. She keeps me organized.

Speaking of organized, organized work methods, time schedules, putting timers on yourself, doing things within certain time frames. Last two things are more along the lines of mindset. Stop adding more to your plate. If you’re watering down your sales and you’re watering down your coaching but you’re adding more to your plate, it’s going to end in disaster.

Last thing is overextending yourself. Overextending yourself on social media.

Overextending yourself in your day job, in your day life with your clients. You’re going to have to stop overextending yourself and start having boundaries. And the first person you should have boundaries with, can you guess? I’ll wait. The first person you should have boundaries with is yourself. Yourself. Your time management, your effort, your mindset, your word choices. You have boundaries with yourself. You can start having boundaries with anyone.

Short, sweet episode today, but I know it changed your life. I know you’re like mind blown—mind blown emoji. Tag me @thesarahdhall on Instagram, leave me a five-star rating and review. If you loved this episode, I want to hear in the review, what did you love about it? What did you learn? What are you going to apply in your life and business?

Thank you so much for being here on The Sarah Hall Show today. I really appreciate you. This episode to me was something I’ve been wanting to bring the heat on. So can’t wait to see your tags over on Instagram @thesarahdhall and all of your amazing reviews, and I’ll see you in the next episode, which will be our first episode for May. See you then!

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